Belated Congratulations to the Wrestlers who participated in the Pleasanton Wrestling Invite on Saturday, January 4: Keigan C. placed 3rd in his weight class, Evan C. placed 3rd, Jace R. placed 4th and Dalton H. placed 3rd.
Today: All School Mass – 8:10 a.m. Rosary at 2:25 pm. JHG/JHB Basketball at SMH with N-V 2/3:00 p.m. (girls will need to be dismissed at 1:10 p.m.) – JHB will be dismissed at 2:15 pm.
Reminder: There will be a short meeting in Room 204 after Mass today.
Overdue books/fines :
Cherish Williamson—overdue book—10¢
Thursday, January 9th: Winter Sports/Activity pictures in high school gym – 9:00 a.m. JHG//VG Basketball at EPPJ – 4:45/6:00 p.m. (bus leaves at 3 pm).
Friday, January 10th: Cardinal Pride Day. Boys Wrestling at Winside – 10 a.m. (bus leaves at 5:45am). Basketball at Ainsworth (JVB-2Q/VG/VB) 5/6/7:30 pm. (bus leaves at 3 pm).
Saturday, January 11th: Girls Wrestling at Winside – 10 a.m. Masquerade Dance in Parish Hall – 8 pm. (8:30 pm Coronation, 10 pm Games).
The city of O'Neill is looking for summer employees for the pool, cemetery, and ballfield departments. Wages are based on qualifications and experience. Applications are available at the city hall and should be filed with the city clerk at 401 East Fremont Street by January 30, 2025. State law requires that all employees of the cemetery and park departments must be at least 18 years of age by the first day of employment to operate the equipment. All wanting consideration, including former employees, need to apply this year. If you have questions, please call 402-336-3640. The city of O'Neill is an equal opportunity employer.
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Menu:
Calzones French Toast
Broccoli Tri Tater
Cookie Cheese Omelet
Frui Fruit