Congratulations to the Golf team for placing 6th at State.
Congratulations to the Volleyball team for their win over Osmond last night.
Today: District Cross Country in Wayne (moved fromThursday – runners will eat at 11 am, then go back to class and then be dismissed at noon). Scrubs Camp at NECC – Noon to 3 p.m. (students will be dismissed at 11:40 am to load the bus). Rosary at church – 2:25 p.m. JH Volleyball at SMH with Creighton – 3:00 p.m. (girls will be dismissed at the end of 7th period).
Books due today:
Aubrey Wohlert Robert Shoemaker
Samantha Asche Ramsee Hofer (x2)
Anna Otte Lorissa Reiman
Overdue books/fines:
John Mlnarik–overdue book–10¢
Ticket taker for the JH Volleyball game today is Mrs. Bauer..
Ticket taker for the JH Volleyball game on Thursday, October 12 is Mrs. Otte.
Thursday, October 12th: JH Volleyball at SMH with Summerland – 3:00 p.m. Football at SMH with EPPJ – 7:00 p.m.
Ticket takers for the Football game on Thursday, October 12th are Mrs. Winkelbauer and Mrs. Crumly.
Concessions for the Football game on Thursday, October 12th is Mrs. Willis and Bosco House.
**Senior Parents night for Football will be Thursday the 12th and Volleyball, softball and golf will be Friday night the 13th between the JV and Varsity games.
**The Juniors and Seniors will attend a College Fair at OHS on Friday, October 13. We will leave at 9:35 and return at about 10:45. They will be dismissed during 2nd period at 9:35 and will return during 4th period.
Friday, October 13th: Cardinal Pride Day. JH Football – turn in uniforms 8th period. Volleyball (B/A) at SMH with Summerland – 6/7 p.m.
Ticket takers for the Volleyball game on Friday, October 13 are Mrs. Boyle and Mrs. Traci Berg.
Concessions for the Volleyball games on Friday, October 13 is Mr. Bulau and Siena House.
2023-2024 St. Mary's Advisory Board Meetings
Oct. 11—Dec. 13—Feb. 14—April 10
An agenda is available in the high school office a week prior to each meeting.
Minutes of previous meetings are posted on Sycamore.
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Lunch
Mini Corndogs French Toast
Mac ‘n’ Cheese Tri Tater
Baked Beans Cheese Omelet
Fruit Fruit