Congratulations to the One Act Play actors, crew and directors – NVC Champions! Great Job!
Today: Rosary at church 2:25 p.m.
Books due today: NONE
Overdue books/fines:
Cecelia Mlnarik—overdue book—10¢
Gage Hedstrom—overdue book—10¢
Charley Mlnarik—overdue book—10¢
Friday, November 19th: Cardinal Pride Day. Student Council will be selling hot chocolate and rolls in the Commons before school starts.
Tuesday, November 25th: 11:30 dismissal. JH Wrestling at Ainsworth – 4:30 p.m. Basketball Jamboree at West Holt - SMH girls will play Ainsworth at 5:35 p.m. followed by West Holt at 6:05 p.m. SMH boys will play Ainsworth at 7:15 p.m. followed by West Holt at 7:50 p.m.
If anyone is interested in ordering a Catholic Schools Week T-shirt, you can pick up an order form at the High School Office. Sales from the t-shirts will go to support “Hope Of The Poor”, a mission of Danny Leger’s. Orders and payment are due November 19th.
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Lunch
Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup Pizza
Crackers Broccoli
Cinnamon Roll Cookie
Fruit Fruit