Congratulations to the VG Basketball team for their win over Boyd County last night.
Books due today:
Annabelle Barlow (x2)
Overdue books/fines:
St John's Sloppy Joe Meal
Thursday, February 8th during the WH vs St Mary's Basketball Games. Serving begins at 5:00 pm and goes until they run out
Free will offering will be collected.
Thursday, February 8th: JHG Wrestling at Ainsworth – 5 pm (leaving at 3:15 pm). Basketball at West Holt (JVG-2qt.,JVB-2qt.,VG,VB) 4:30/5/6:30/8 p.m. (bus leaves at 3:10 pm).
Friday, February 9th: No School – Teacher Inservice (morning). Parent/Teacher - p.m. Speech Meet at Lindsey Holy Family (bus leaves at 5:30 am). Wrestling (B) at Weeping Water – leaving at 7:30 a.m.
2023-2024 St. Mary's Advisory Board Meetings
Feb. 7-April 10
An agenda is available in the high school office a week prior to each meeting.
Minutes of previous meetings are posted on Sycamore.
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Lunch
Chicken Fajita’s w/fixings Mini Corn Dogs
Spanish Rice Mac ‘n’ Cheese
Corn Baked Beans
Cookie Fruit