Happy Birthday Annette Mahony and Cheleigh Sholes!
Congratulations to the Volleyball team for their wins over Winside and Plainview last night.
Today: All School Mass – 8:10 a.m. Rosary at church – 2:25 pm
The following students will need to be dismissed at 2:10 pm today for pictures over at OHS – Savannah G., Cooper C., Kaleb A., Evan C., and Alex O.
Thursday, September 1st: Girls Golf at Atkinson – 9 am. Softball at O’Neill with Pierce (JV,V) – 5 pm. Volleyball (JV,V) at Plainview Tri. – both play at 5:00 pm. – JV will play the 1st & 3rd games (bus leaves at 3:15 pm). Football at SMH with Randolph – 7 pm. Concessions – Bosco House and Mrs. Boyle (please be there by 6:30 pm).
Ticket takers for Football on September 1st are Mrs. Atkeson and Mrs. Schneider (please be there at 6:10 pm).
Friday, September 3rd: Cardinal Pride Day. HS/JH Cross Country at Boone Central – 4:30 p.m. students will be dismissed from class at 1:30 pm (bus will pick runners up at 1:45 pm).
Monday, September 5th: No School – Labor Day.
Tuesday, September 6th: Softball at O’Neill (JV,V) with Boone Central – 5:00 p.m. JH Football at Ainsworth – 6:00 p.m. (bus leaves at 3:25 pm). Volleyball (A) at CWC (Chambers) – 6:00 p.m. (bus leaves at 3:40 pm).
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Lunch
Hot Dog on WG Bun Chicken Fajitsa’s w/fixings
Smiles Corn
Baked Beans Muffins
Fruit Fruit