Congratulations to the JHG for winning 1st place at the Track Meet yesterday, and to the JHB for placing 4th.
Congratulations to the HSB track team for placing 3rd and to the HSG track team for placing 4th at the track meet yesterday.
Congratulations to the following students who qualified for the Norfolk Classic on Thursday, April 29th: Connor S., Grant W., Gabe P., Will S., Isaac E., Faith & Hope W., Kaylin G., Lorissa R., and Alissa B.
Books due today:
Elle Hoffman Risken Dawson
Emerson Mlnarik Jace Rosenkrans
Annabelle Barlow
Overdue books/fines:
OHS vaccine clinic for 16 years and older 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. today.
JH Rotating period: Thursday, is a “C” day.
The 2021 ESU 8 K-12 Virtual Art Show is officially open until the end of April. Please access it at
Student Council meeting will be Thurs. April 29th during lunch.
Thursday, April 29th: NVC Art Show at West Holt – open to the public from 5 – 8:00 p.m. Boys Golf – West Holt Dual at O’Neill. Norfolk Classic – students dismissed at the end of 6th period, leave at 2:00 p.m.
Friday, April 29th: JH/HS Mass – 8:10 a.m. National Honor Society Induction following Mass. No JH Band. NVC Art show at West Holt 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Hausman Construction Career Fair.
Saturday, May 1st: Boys Golf at Atkinson – 9:00 a.m. NVC JH/HS Track Invite at West holt – 9:30 a.m. (bus leaves at 7:30 am).
"There will be a meeting for all 8-11 grade girls interested in playing softball next fall on Monday, May 3rd at 7:15 am in Room 309 at OHS."
Monday, May 3rd: Boys Golf (JV) at Atkinson Invite – 9:00 a.m.
Tuesday, May 4th: JH/HS Stuart Track Invite at West Holt – 9:30 a.m. (bus leaves at 7:30 am).
Wednesday, May 5th: Boys Golf at Wayne Invite – 9:00 a.m.
Lost & Found – check it out. There are many items in the box – some may belong to you!
Summer Driver's Education course registration is in the High School Office. Please see Mrs. Crumly if you need a registration form
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Lunch
Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup Hamburger w/WG Bun
Crackers Tater Tots
Cinnamon Roll Carrots
Fruit Fruit