Today: All School Mass – 8:10 a.m.
Books due today
Ben Barlow
Drake Berg
Claire Popkes
Overdue books/Fines
**Volleyball uniforms need to be turned into the High School Office or Mrs. Podany by Friday, April 28th!
Thursday, April 27th: Boys Golf – West Holt Dual at O’Neill – 4 p.m. Norfolk Classic (participants will leave at noon).
** The Activities Banquet will be held on Friday, May 5. All family members are invited. Please call or text (402)340-2192 with last name of family and the total number attending
Reservations are required and must be made by Thursday, April 27.
Friday, April 28th: Cardinal Pride Day. NVC Art Show at Pope John. Early College Exploration at NECC in O’Neill (morning).
Saturday, April 29th: JH/HS NVC Track at Atkinson – 9:30 a.m. (bus leaves at 7:40 am). Boys Golf at West Holt Invite – 9:00 a.m.
Monday, May 1st: Boys Golf (JV) at Ainsworth – 9:00 a.m.
Summer Help: Ben is looking for someone to help him this summer. If you are interested, please let him know.
Today’s Lunch Thursday’s Lunch
6th Grade Menu: Chicken Strips
Chili or Chicken Noodle Soup Mashed Potatoes
Crackers Corn
Cinnamon Roll Dinner Roll
Fruit Fruit