Today: Basketball at SMH with Boyd County (VG,VB) – 6:15/8:00 p.m.
Books due today:
Sam Asche
Overdue books/fines:
Brayden Krugman—outstanding fine—20¢
Araceli Perez—overdue book—10¢
Lawrence Werth—overdue book—10¢
JH Rotating period: Wednesday is an “A” day.
Wednesday, February 10th: Junior Retreat at Tintern (leave at 7:45 am).
Thursday, February 11th: Basketball at SMH with West Holt (JVG-2qrts,JVB-3qrts,VG,VB) – 4:15/5/6:30/8:00 p.m.
Friday, February 12th: JH/HS Mass – 8:10 a.m. followed by Rosary. Cardinal Pride Day. Speech Meet at Lindsey Holy Family- leave at 5:45 a.m.
Today’s Lunch Wednesday’s Lunch
Walking Taco’s w/fixings Chicken Nuggets
Spanish Rice Mashed Potatoes
Corn California Blend
Fruit Dinner Roll