Today: Girls Golf at Wayne Invite – 9:00 a.m. Volleyball (B/A) at Randolph – 5:30/6:45 p.m. (bus leaves at 3:15 pm) players will be dismissed at 3:05 pm. Archbishops Educator of the Year Dinner in Omaha.
Students who take classes at OHS and who will be attending the OHS Homecoming Dance , please sign up at the OHS office.
Friday, September 23rd: Cardinal Pride Day. Football at N-V (Verdigre) – 2:00 p.m. (bus leaves at 11:30 a.m.).
Saturday, September 24th: Softball (V) at Central City Invite – 9:00 a.m.
Monday, September 26th: No School – Teacher Inservice. Homecoming Week. Cross Country at UNK Invite – 1:00 p.m. JH Football at SMH (practice field) with West Holt – 4:00 p.m. Girls Golf (JV) at O’Neill – 4:15 pm Volleyball (A) SMH Tri. – 5:00 p.m.
Found out at Country Club after Cross Country Meet – Hooded Black SMH State Basketball sweatshirt. Contact Mary Duffy (402) 336-1191 or (402) 340-4242.
Homecoming Dress-up Days
Monday (no school)
Tuesday: Cowboys vs. Aliens
Wednesday: Space Jam (dress up like a character from Space Jam) – Looney Tunes or Jersey’s
Thursday: Back to the Future (Decade Day) Each class will be assigned a decade (throw back Thursday)
Friday: Red and White Day
Today’s Lunch Friday’s Lunch
Orange Chicken Hotdog on a Bun
Brown Rice Sun Chips
Broccoli Baked Beans
Dinner Roll Fruit