Today: Monochromatic Day (wear all one color). NVC Wrestling at No. Central has been postponed. Basketball at SMH with Winside (JVB,VG,VB) - 5/6/7:30 p.m.
Books due today:
Tyson Becker
Robert Shoemaker
Chris Koehlmoos
Waylen Scofield
Ramsee Hofer
Gracie Williamson
Bella Barlow
Lily Bauer
Loretta Scofield
Peyton Thompson (x2)
Lorissa Reiman (x3)
Overdue books/fines:
Musical auditions will be January 18, 2024. 5pm-7pm in the Performing arts room at OHS.
Come be a part of this year’s Musical: Popstars the 90’s Musical.
It's boy band vs. girl band in this hilarious brand-new jukebox musical featuring the exciting pop hits of the 1990's. Think Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, Christina Aguilar, Brittney Spears, Smash Mouth and many more all packed into one fun musical. Come and talk with us if you want to be onstage or on crew helping with all the behind the scenes stuff! Can’t wait to see all of you soon! If you need a different audition time please reach out.
Thank you,
Mrs. Shoemaker
Mrs. Huber
Weightroom will be open today from 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Ticket takers for the Basketball games today are Mrs. Fuhrer and Mrs. Spader. Concessions is Mrs. Chohon and Bosco House.
Friday, January 19th: Dress For Your Favorite Holiday: JHG/JHB Basketball with Boyd County at SMH 3:00 – 4:00 pm Snowball Dance 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, January 20th: Speech Meet at Summerland – bus leaves at 6:45 a.m.
Monday, January 22nd: JHB Basketball at CWC (Chambers) - 3:00 p.m. (leaving at 1:45 pm). JHG Basketball at Summerland Tour. - 3 pm (leaving at 1:40 pm). Basketball at Bloomfield (VG,VB) - 6:30/8 pm. (leaving at 4 pm).
Tuesday, January 23rd: STAR Math Testing 4th period (grades 7-11). West Holt Boys Wrestling Tourn. – 2 p.m. Basketball at SMH with Creighton (JVG, JVB, VG,VB) - 4:30/5/6/7:30 p.m.
Ticket takers for the Basketball games on Tuesday, January 23 are Mrs. Podany and Mrs. Bertschinger. Concessions is Mrs. Otte and LaSalle House.
2023-2024 St. Mary's Advisory Board Meetings
Feb. 14-April 10
An agenda is available in the high school office a week prior to each meeting.
Minutes of previous meetings are posted on Sycamore.
Today’s Lunch Friday’s Lunch
Irish Nacho’s Mini Corn Dogs
Corn Mac’n’Cheese
Cookie Carrots
Fruit Fruit