Today: Basketball at SMH w/West Holt (VG/VB) – 6/7:45 p.m. Parent’s Night.
Ticket takers for the Basketball games tonight are Tim Schneider and Ryan & Kelly Johnson.
Concessions for tonight is Mrs. Otte and Drexel House.
Friday, February 10th: Cardinal Pride Day. Speech Meet at Lindsey Holy Family (bus leaves at 5:45 am). Basketball at Winside (VG/VB) – 6/7:45 p.m. (bus leaves at 3:30 p.m.). District Wrestling at Southern Valley.
Saturday, February 11th: District Wrestling at Southern Valley.
Sunday, February 12th: KC Free Throw Contest in High School gym – Noon.
Monday, February 13th: Class D2-5 Girls Basketball Sub-Districts at St. Mary’s.
Today’s Lunch Friday’s Lunch
Meatball Sub Sandwich 1st Grade Menu:
Sun Chips Cheese Pizza
Veggies Curly Fries
Fruit Salad Bar
(lunch will be in the GS gym) Fruit