Today: Junior Retreat
Books due today:
Gage Hedstrom
Jenna Schneider
Overdue books/fines:
Myles Hamilton—outstanding fine—10¢
Brayden Krugman—outstanding fine—10¢
There are a lot of lockers that are being left hanging open and it looks messy.
Please close your lockers completely. If Mrs. Schneider sees your locker hanging partway open, she will issue you a demerit.
If your locker will not close properly, please let Mrs. Crumly know so she can have Ben look at it and try to repair it. Most of the time, you just need to give the bottom a gentle kick to get it closed completely.
Drexel Christmas Food Drive
Drexel House plans on giving food baskets with a meat gift certificate to families in need through Bright Horizons and the Food Pantry.
Please bring Christmas dinner items - check the flyers for ideas. Thank you
Coat Drive: Bosco House is sponsoring a Coat Drive from November 30 through December 17th. Coats may be placed in the boxes in the high school, grade school and church.
Student Council meeting on Friday, December 3 during lunch.
Friday, December 3rd: Cardinal Pride Day. Winter Sports/Activity pictures starting at 9:00 a.m. JH Wrestling at OHS – 5:00 p.m. Basketball at SMH with Riverside (JVG-1qrt,JVB,VG,VB) – 4/4:30/6/7:30 p.m.
Saturday, December 4th: Wrestling at Howells-Dodge 9:30 a.m. Basketball at Archbishop Bergan (JVB,VG,VB) – 3/ 4:30/6 p.m. (bus leaves at 11 am).
Today’s Lunch Friday’s Lunch
Spaghetti w/meat sauce Hot Dog on WG/Bun
Garlic Bread Sun Chips
Green Beans Baked Beans
Fruit Fruit