Congratulations to the Boys Basketball team for their win over Silver Lake Saturday and being the D2-2 District Final champions!
Congratulations to the OID for placing 6th in the Honors Division at the Speech Meet in Battle Creek on Saturday.
Today: Speech Meet at Elgin Public.
Books due today:
Cecelia Mlnarik
Overdue books/fines:
Hope Williamson—outstanding fine—20¢
Caitey Ruzicka—outstanding fine—20¢
Claire Popkes—overdue book—20¢
JH Rotating period: Tuesday is a “B” day.
Tuesday, March 2nd: ESU #8 High School Quiz Bowl at Neligh. HS Girls Track meeting in the Lecture Hall – 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, March 3rd: ESU #8 JH Quiz Bowl at Neligh. Volleyball meeting for girls in grades 8 – 11, in Mrs. Podany’s room right after school.
High School Boys Track meeting on Thursday, March 4th in the Lecture Hall at 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 5th: Public Speech Performance in the High School 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Today’s Lunch Tuesday’s Lunch
Hamburger on WG Bun Taco in a Bag
Smiles Corn
Carrots Refried Beans
Fruit Fruit