Protocol Updated on 8-30-21 Read More
St. Mary’s School Back to School Protocols 2021-2022
Back to school protocols were established in accordance with the Archdiocese of Omaha
Catholic Schools Office and the NCDHD.
It’s important to note that these protocols may be modified over time based on changing
circumstances and may change for a specific school building, program, classroom, or settings
based on cases, contact tracing, community conditions and risk of spread.This work will be
ongoing as new research emerges and more guidance is provided.
COVID Protocols for St. Mary’s Schools:
•Everyone must self-screen for symptoms prior to entering buildings.
•If symptoms exist, the individual must stay home from school activities.
•We will continue with frequent hand washing and using hand sanitizer.
•Sanitation protocols will continue to be followed at the school.
•We encourage social distancing at a minimum of 3 ft. whenever possible.
Face Coverings:For staff and students, masks are optional.
In case of possible positive cases within our school:
Please note: Protocols may change for a specific school building, program, classroom, or
settings based on cases, contact tracing, community conditions and risk of spread.
•If 1 positive caseis reported within our school:Students in the cohort will be asked to
self-monitor for symptoms.
•If 2 positive cases are reported within the same cohort, students will be asked to self-
monitor and mask.
•If 3 positive cases are reported within the same cohort, we will contact NCDHD.Close
contacts within the cohort will be asked to self-monitor at home for 14 days or whatever
is recommended by the health department.Contacts within the cohort who have been
vaccinated will be asked to self-monitor at school.
COVID-19 vaccines will not be required. We encourage everyone to consult with their
physician regarding the vaccine.
Contact Tracing, Quarantine and Exclusion requirements are established in consultation
with, and at the direction of the local Health Department.