Happy Birthday Mrs. Bauer!
Today: JH/HS Cross Country at O’Neill – 3:30 p.m. Football at Boyd County (Spencer) – 7:00 p.m. (bus leaves at 4:40 pm).
Books due today
Olivia Bauer Annabelle Barlow
Keigan Couch Trever Reiser
Chris Koehlmoos Loretta Scofield
Pyper Ickes Peyton Thompson
Adyson Petersen
Overdue books
Risken Dawson—overdue book—30¢
When fines reach 50¢, a demerit is issued.
Students who take classes at OHS and who will be attending the OHS Homecoming Dance , please sign up at the OHS office.
There will be a meeting during lunch in Mrs. Berg’s room today for all those students who attended the leadership sessions of the Human Performance Project. Please go through the lunch line first and bring your trays up to the commons.
Ticket takers for the JH Volleyball Tournament on Saturday, September 17th are 7:30 am – Brenda H/Nikki & Bob Shald, 11:00 am – Paula A. & Jennie S.
Concessions for Saturday, September 17 is Leah C. & Bosco House (7:30 am), and Mr. Reichmuth & LaSalle House (11 am).
Saturday, September 17th: SMH JH Volleyball Tournament – 8:00 a.m. Softball at Pierce – 9:00 a.m. Girls Golf at Boone Central – 10:00 a.m. JV Volleyball at Summerland – 10 a.m. (bus leaves at 8am).
Monday, September 19th: Girls Golf at Ainsworth Tri. – 4 pm JH Football at SMH (practice field) with Elkhorn Valley – 3:00 p.m. JH Volleyball at SMH with Elkhorn Valley – 5:00 p.m. JV (B) Volleyball at SMH with Elkhorn Valley – 6:30 p.m. Softball (JV) Tri. at O’Neill – 4 pm
Tuesday, September 20th: Girls Golf at Valentine Invite – 10 am. College Fair at OHS (1:30 – 2:40 pm). Softball (JV,V) at O’Neill with GACC – 4:30 p.m. Volleyball (A) at No. Central Tri. (Springview) – 5 p.m. (bus leaves at 2:45 pm).
Today’s Lunch Monday’s Lunch
Mini Corndogs Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Chips Tomato Soup
Veggies Peas
Cookie Yogurt
Fruit Fruit
(lunch will be in the GS gym)