Congratulations to the Volleyball team for their win over No. Central last night.
Today: Cardinal Pride Day. Pep Rally for State Girls Golf in the HS gym – 9:00 a.m. No HS/JH Band, there will be Choir
at 11:30 a.m.
Books due today
Overdue books
Kaylin G.—outstanding fine—20¢
Ramsee Hofer— outstanding fine —10¢
Elle Hoffman— outstanding fine —10¢
Students who earn detentions will serve 30 minutes after school on Wednesdays at 3:30. In addition, they will go last in the lunch line for the following week and sit at a separate table by the teachers during that week.
Saturday, October 8th: JH Volleyball at Riverside Tourn. – 9:00 a.m. Volleyball (A) at Anselmo-Merna Tourn. – 10:00 a.m. (bus
leaves at 6:45 am). JH Cross Country at Papillion South.
Monday, October 10th: JH Football at SMH with Boyd Co. – 3 p.m. (practice field). JH Volleyball at Springview – 6 p.m. (bus
leaves at 3:45 pm). JV Volleyball at SMH with Boyd Co. – 6:00 p.m. State Girls Golf at Columbus.
Tuesday, October 11th: Volleyball at SMH (B/A) with Osmond – 5/6:15 p.m. Senior Parent’s Night. State Girls Golf at
Today’s Lunch Monday’s Lunch
Hot Dog on Bun Grilled Cheese Sandwich
Sun Chips Tomato Soup
Baked Beans Peas
Fruit Yogurt