Today: Cardinal Pride Day.
Books due today
Alex Otte
Samantha Asche
Caitey Ruzicka
Overdue books/Fines
*Elle Hoffman—outstanding fine—30¢
Ellie Atkeson— outstanding fine —20¢
*Ramsee Hofer— outstanding fine —10¢
*Trever Reiser—outstanding fine—30¢
*Elle H., Ramsee, and Trever—fines must be paid today or demerits will be issued.
Ellie A.—fine must be paid by Monday.
Ticket takers for Saturday’s game are Christina S., Mr. Sam and Chelsea B.
Saturday, October 29th: Volleyball District Finals – St. Mary’s will play Wynot at St. Mary’s – 6:00 p.m.
The Writing Club will be starting again soon. If you are interested in joining, please contact or notify Addy Shald.
If there is any sopranos who would like to sing in the Choir at Mass on Sunday, please be there by 10:15 a.m.
Student Council will be hosting a “Costume Day” on Monday, October 31 for all High School Staff and students. Put your name in the bucket at the front door that morning to be eligible for prizes.
Reminder: November 1 – no shorts are to be worn until the first day of Spring.
Tuesday, November 2nd: All Saint’s Day. All School Mass – 8:10 a.m.
Today’s Lunch Monday’s Lunch
Hot Dog on Bun Hamburger on Bun
Sun Chips Tater Tots
Baked Beans Carrots
Fruit Fruit